About Us

About Us

Who exactly worships here?

We are just a group of Christians that follow God’s Word, the Bible, and we serve Jesus Christ our savior. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word from God (2 Timothy 3:16). We follow the examples, commandments, and authority that was placed in the Bible. We believe in Heaven, Hell, Baptism, the Devil, and Sin.

What does our worship service consist of?

We worship on Sunday, the first day of every week. The service starts out with a bible study. We currently have an adult class and a youth class. We have experienced teachers to teach and lead the classes. The bible studies are very interactive with the class. Asking questions and taking comments is encouraged.

Then the service transitions into the Worship Service. We start off with announcements and then an opening prayer. Then we sing and praise God with our voices only, no instrumental music (Psalm 104:33, Ephesians 5:19).

We will then partake of the Lord’s Supper. We do this every Lord’s Day, the first day of each week (Acts 20:7). The Lord’s Supper Consists of the bread, which represents Jesus’ body, and the cup, which represents the blood that was spilled from Jesus’ body when he was nailed to the cross (1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Mark 14:22-26). The bread that is used is unleavened bread (1 Corinthians 5:6-8). That will conclude the Lord’s Supper. We will take up a collection and give back to the Lord as God has prospered to us (2 Corinthians 9:7, Acts 20:35). God does not need our money, but it’s his will to give back to God everything that he has blessed us with. We will never ask a visitor to give a contribution, this is a work of the local members.

We close our services with a sermon. Our preacher is Jeremy Miller. He has been our fulltime preacher for 7 years. He is a wonderful person to get to know and you can listen to his sermons on the Sermon Page.

We never close a service without offering prayers, help, assistance, or anything that you may need. We have a baptistery prepared and ready for anyone to join God’s Kingdom. God loves you and he wants you on his team!

Plan of Salvation

Hear the Word of God: Romans 10:17

Believe in the Word of God: Matthew 7:31, John 8:24

Repent of your sins: Acts 17:30-31, Acts 2:38

Confess Faith in Jesus Christ: Romans 10:9-10, Matthew 10:32

Be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, our savior: Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16

Live Righteously until death: Revelations 2:10